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Parallel algorithms for matrix computations
K. A. Gallivan
Michael T. Heath
Esmond Ng
James M. Ortega
Barry W. Peyton
R. J. Plemmons
Charles H. Romine
A. H. Sameh
Robert G. Voigt
Numerical linear algebra
2.01 Mb
Parallel Algorithms for Matrix Computations
K. A. Gallivan
Michael T. Heath
Esmond Ng
James M. Ortega
Barry W. Peyton
R. J. Plemmons
Charles H. Romine
A. H. Sameh
Robert G. Voigt
23.04 Mb
Parallel Algorithms for Matrix Computations
K. A. Gallivan
Michael T. Heath
Esmond Ng
James M. Ortega
Barry W. Peyton
R. J. Plemmons
Charles H. Romine
A. H. Sameh
Robert G. Voigt
2.02 Mb
Parallel algorithms for matrix computations
K. A. Gallivan
Michael T. Heath
Esmond Ng
James M. Ortega
Barry W. Peyton
R. J. Plemmons
Charles H. Romine
A. H. Sameh
Robert G. Voigt
MN_Numerical methods
MNl_Numerical linear algebra
1.32 Mb
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods
Michael Berry
Tony F. Chan
James Demmel
June Donato
Jack Dongarra
Victor Eijkhout
Charles Romine
Henk van der Vorst
TU Wien Scripta
257 Kb
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods
Michael Berry
Tony F. Chan
James Demmel
June Donato
Jack Dongarra
Victor Eijkhout
Charles Romine
Henk van der Vorst
Numerical linear algebra
1.22 Mb
Templates for the solution of linear systems: building blocks for iterative methods
Michael Berry
Tony F. Chan
James Demmel
June Donato
Jack Dongarra
Victor Eijkhout
Charles Romine
Henk van der Vorst
1.02 Mb